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About Us

‘Satva’ is an e-commerce buisness, specially designed for Student. We provide platform and home pickup and delivery services, where students can buy or sell their books from thier home. ‘Re-use’ is one of the best method to “SAVE ENVIRONMENT” in which Re-use of books is one of that.
The word “SATVA(H)” is the Sanskrit word, Satva, is a state of mind in which the mind is steady, calm and peaceful. Satva means pure. Embrace organic, eco friendly, sustainable, ethical and fair trade. This makes the reason of name.

MIssion And Vission

On average, 2 billion books are produced every year, which consumed approx 32 million trees (in the USA only). Just think🤔 about the whole world 🌍, its number will increase by 5 billion trees😲. Only 35 books(250pages each book) can be made from each tree means if we “Re-use” books 📚 or refer to other for “Re-use ” for every 35 books 📚 we can save a single tree to cut down. Reuse is beneficial for ENVIRONMENT, Reuse is beneficial for your personal finance, Reuse also saves energy and natural resources. So, Our mission is to provide books📚 to each student for Reuse. And our vision is to make Earth greenery again. “पर्यावरण को बचाने मे पहले फायदा आपका, बाद मे समाज का”

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